Online Spatial & Urban Seminar

A Zoom-based Economics Workshop
Mondays 11:30am-12:45pm (ET)

organized by
Olivia Bordeu, Erica Moszkowski, Augusto Ospital, Minseon Park, Evan Soltas, and Harrison Wheeler

Season 10 — Spring 2024

May 6, 2024: Giulia Brancaccio (NYU-Stern). Co-authored with Myrto Kalouptsidi and Theodore Papageorgiou.
Investment in Infrastructure and Trade: The Case of Ports

April 22, 2024: Joanna Venator (Boston College). Co-authored with Garrett Anstreicher.
To Grandmother's House We Go: Childcare Time Transfers and Female Labor Mobility

April 8, 2024: Paula Bustos (ICREA-Pompeu Fabra University). Co-authored with Christoph Albert and Jacopo Ponticelli.
The Effects of Climate Change on Labor and Capital Reallocation

March 25, 2024: Gabriel Kreindler (Harvard University). Co-authored with Arya Gaduh, Tilman Graff, Rema Hanna and Benjamin Olken.
Optimal Public Transportation Networks: Evidence from the World's Largest Bus Rapid Transit System in Jakarta

March 11, 2024: Franklin Qian (UNC). Co-authored with Qianyang Zhang and Xiang Zhang.
Identifying Agglomeration Spillovers: Evidence from Grocery Store Openings

February 26, 2024: Christopher Timmins (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Co-authored with Lu Han, Stephan Heblich, and Yanos Zylberberg.
Cool Cities: The Value of Urban Trees

February 12, 2024: Nathaniel Baum-Snow (University of Toronto). Co-authored with Gabriel M. Ahlfeldt and Remi Jedwab.
The Skyscraper Revolution: Global Economic Development and Land Savings

Season 9 — Fall 2023

December 11, 2023: Hoyt Bleakley (University of Michigan). Co-authored with Paul Rhode.
Was Free Soil Magic Dirt? Endowments versus Institutions in the Antebellum United States

November 27, 2023: Guy Michaels (London School of Economics). Co-authored with Vernon Henderson, Francisco Líbano-Monteiro, Martina Manara, and Tanner Regan.
Evaluating Urban Planning: Evidence from Dar es Salaam

November 13, 2023: Lea Bou Sleiman (NBER).
Displacing Congestion: Evidence from Paris

October 30, 2023: Antoine Levy (Berkeley Haas School of Business).
Regulating housing quality: Evidence from France

October 16, 2023: Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal (Universitat de Barcelona). Co-authored with Ghizlen Ouasbaa and Albert Solé-Ollé.
The power of developers: Evidence from California

October 2, 2023: Diana Sverdlin-Lisker (World Bank). Co-authored with Daniel Ramos-Menchelli.
Fragmented Markets and the Proliferation of Small Firms: Evidence from Mom-and-Pop Shops in Mexico

September 18, 2023: Jesse Gregory (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Co-authored with Morris Davis and Dan Hartley.
Preferences over the Racial Composition of Neighborhoods: Estimates and Implications

Season 8 — Spring 2023

May 22, 2023: Ricardo Dahis (PUC Rio). Co-authored with Christiane Szerman
Development via Administrative Redistricting

May 8, 2023: Rob Collinson (University of Notre Dame). Co-authored with Eric Chyn and Danielle Sandler.
The Long-Run Effects of Residential Racial Desegregation Programs: Evidence from Gautreaux

April 24, 2023: Yue Yu (University of Toronto). Co-authored with Qianyang Zhang.
The Value of Cleaner Waterways

March 27, 2023: Jonathan Dingel (Chicago Booth). Co-authored with Josh Gottlieb, Maya Lozinski, and Pauline Mourot.
Market Size and Trade in Medical Services

March 13, 2023: Victor Couture (UBC). Co-authored with Jonathan Dingel, Allison Green, and Jessie Handbury.
Quantifying Social Interactions Using Smartphone Data

February 27, 2023: Clare Balboni (MIT). Co-authored with Johannes Boehm and Mazhar Waseem.
Firm Adaptation and Production Networks: Structural Evidence from Extreme Weather Events in Pakistan

February 13, 2023: Greg Howard (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Co-authored with Hansen Shao.
Internal Migration and the Microfoundations of Gravity

Season 7 — Fall 2022

December 5, 2022: Ben Zou (Purdue University). Co-authored with Jingting Fan.
The Dual Local Markets: Family, Jobs, and the Spatial Distribution of Skills

November 21, 2022: Simon Franklin (Queen Mary University of London). Co-authored with Clement Imbert, Girum Abebe and Carolina Mejia-Mantilla.
Urban Public Works in Spatial Equilibrium: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia

November 7, 2022: Allison Shertzer (University of Pittsburgh). Co-authored with Michael Coury, Toru Kitagawa, and Matthew Turner.
The Value of Piped Water and Sewers: Evidence from 19th Century Chicago

October 24, 2022: Diego Puga (CEMFI). Co-authored with Gilles Duranton.
Urban Growth and its Aggregate Implications

October 17, 2022: Lu Han (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Co-authored with Rachel Ngai and Kevin Sheedy.
To Own or To Rent? The Effects of Transaction Taxes on Housing Markets

October 10, 2022: Florian Oswald (SciencesPo). Co-authored with Nicolas Coeurdacier and Marc Teignier.
Structural Change, Landuse and Urban Expansion

September 26, 2022: Jorge De la Roca (University of Southern California). Co-authored with Andrii Parkhomenko and Daniel Velasquez.
Agglomeration Effects and Informality

Season 6 — Spring 2022

May 30, 2022: Elisa Giannone (CREI/Penn State). Co-authored with Corina Boar.
Consumption Segregation

May 16, 2022: Allan Hsiao (U. Chicago).
Educational Investment in Spatial Equilibrium: Evidence from Indonesia

May 2, 2022: Ben Hyman (NY Fed). Co-authored with Matt Freedman, David Neumark, and Shantanu Khanna.
Firm Responses to Local Hiring Subsidies: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from a Tax Credit Formula

April 18, 2022: Andrew Waxman (UT Austin). Co-authored with Panle Barwick, Shanjun Li, Jing Wu, and Tianli Xia.
Efficiency and Equity Impacts of Urban Transportation Policies with Equilibrium Sorting

April 4, 2022: Ingrid Gould-Ellen (NYU). Co-authored with Katherine O'Regan and Sarah Strochak.
Race, Space and Take-Up: Explaining Housing Voucher Lease-Up Rates.

March 21, 2022: Felipe Carozzi (LSE). Co-authored with Fernando Borraz, Nicolas Gonzalez-Pampillon and Leandro Zipitria.
Local Retail Prices, Product Varieties and Neighborhood Change

March 7, 2022: Hannah Rubinton (FRB St Louis). Co-authored with Victoria Gregory and Julian Kozlowski.
Local Spillovers, Segregation, and Racial Gaps in Educational Attainment

February 21, 2022: Eduardo Morales (Princeton). Co-authored with Thomas Fujiwara and Charly Porcher.
A Revealed-Preference Approach to Measuring Information Frictions in Migration Decisions

February 7, 2022: Bruno Conte (U.Bologna).
Climate change and migration: the case of Africa

Season 5 — Fall 2021

December 6, 2021: Daniel Sturm (LSE). Co-authored with Kohei Takeda and Anthony J. Venables.
Applying the Quantitative Urban Model to Cities in Developing Countries

November 22, 2021: Lauren Bergquist (Michigan). Co-authored with Benjamin Faber, Thibault Fally, Matthias Hoelzlein, Edward Miguel, and Andres Rodriguez-Clare.
Scaling Agricultural Policy Interventions: Theory and Evidence from Uganda

November 8, 2021: David Nagy (CREI). Co-authored with Stephan Heblich, Alex Trew, and Yanos Zylberberg.
The Death and Life of Great British Cities

October 25, 2021: Ines Helm (LMU Munich). Co-authored with Jan Stuhler.
The Dynamic Response of Municipal Budgets to Revenue Shocks

October 11, 2021: Maisy Wong (UPenn Wharton). Co-authored with Fernando Ferreira.
Estimating Preferences for Neighborhood Amenities Under Imperfect Information

September 27, 2021: Nicholas Vreugdenhil (ASU)
Incomplete Environmental Regulation and Spatial Equilibrium in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry

September 13, 2021: Frederic Robert-Nicoud (GSEM). Co-authored with Cecile Gaubert.
Sorting to expensive cities

Season 4 — Summer 2021

July 26, 2021: Joan Monras (UPF)
Local Public Goods and the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity

July 19, 2021: Jessie Handbury (UPenn Wharton)
School Food Policy Affects Everyone: Retail Responses to the National School Lunch Program

July 5, 2021: Costas Arkolakis (Yale)
European Immigrants and the United States' Rise to theTechnological Frontier

June 28, 2021: Kate Pennington (US Census)
Does Building New Housing Cause Displacement?: The Supply and Demand Effects of Construction in San Francisco

June 21, 2021: Matthew Turner (Brown)
A Unified Theory of Cities

June 14, 2021: Gaurav Khanna (UCSD)
Spatial Mobility, Economic Opportunity, and Crime

June 7, 2021: Katja Seim (Yale SoM)
Economies of Density in E-commerce: A Study of Amazon's Fulfillment Center Network

Season 3 — Spring 2021

April 26, 2021: Enrico Moretti
Estimating Who Benefits From Productivity Growth: Direct and Indirect Effects of City Manufacturing TFP Growth on Wages, Rents, and Inequality

April 19, 2021: Lin Tian
Geographic Fragmentation in a Knowledge Economy

April 12, 2021: Gabriel Alhfeldt
Prime Locations

April 5, 2021: Clara Santamaria
Delayed Birth and Gentrification

March 29, 2021: Martina Kirchberger
Perpetual Motion: Human Mobility and Spatial Frictions in Three African Countries

March 22, 2021: Janet Currie
What Caused Racial Disparities in Particulate Exposure to Fall? New Evidence from the Clean Air Act and Satellite-Based Measures of Air Quality

March 15, 2021: Jeffrey Lin
Freeway Revolts

March 8, 2021: Rebecca Diamond
Where is Standard of Living the Highest? Local Prices and the Geography of Consumption

March 1, 2021: Leah Brooks
The Roots of Gentrification: Long-Run Impacts of the 1968 Washington Civil Disturbance

February 22, 2021: Juan Pablo Chauvin
Rural-Urban Migration at High Urbanization Levels

February 8, 2021: Gregorio Caetano
A Unified Empirical Framework to Study Segregation

February 1, 2021: Treb Allen

Season 2 — Fall 2020

December 14, 2020: Lindsay Relihan
Is Online Retail Killing Coffee Shops? Estimating the Winners and Losers of Online Retail using Customer Transaction Microdata

December 7, 2020: Tobias Salz
The Value of Time: Evidence From Auctioned Cab Rides

November 16, 2020: Cecile Gaubert
Place-Based Redistribution

November 2, 2020: Yichen Su
The Geography of Jobs and the Gender Wage Gap

October 19, 2020: Devaki Ghose
Trade, Internal Migration, and Human Capital: Who Gains from India's IT Boom?

October 5, 2020: Sophie Calder-Wang
"The Distributional Impact of the Sharing Economy on the Housing Market"

September 21, 2020: Nicolas Morales
High-Skill Migration, Multinational Companies and the Location of Economic Activity

September 14, 2020: Stephen Redding
Consumption Access and Agglomeration: Evidence from Smartphone Data

Season 1 — Summer 2020

August 3, 2020: Nina Harari
Slum Upgrading and Long-run Urban Development: Evidence from Indonesia

July 27, 2020: Kirill Borusyak
Non-Random Exposure to Natural Experiments: Theory and Applications

July 20, 2020: Jean Flemming
Costly Commuting and the Job Ladder

July 13, 2020: Stephan Heblich
East Side Story: Historic Pollution and Neighborhood Segregation

July 6, 2020: ITI NBER Online

June 29, 2020: Aradhya Sood
Land Market Frictions in Developing Countries: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in India

June 22, 2020: Myrto Kalouptsidi
Search Frictions and Efficiency in Decentralized Transport Markets

June 15, 2020: Eric Mengus
Labor Market Polarization and the Great Divergence: Theory and Evidence

June 8, 2020: Michael Peters
Market Size and Spatial Growth - Evidence from Germany's Post-War Population Expulsions